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J. V. P. Equipments
Contact Details
S.F.No.281/2, Nallathaneerthottam, Ganapathy Coimbatore-641006 Tamil Nadu
Primary Industry
Soil Compactors
Executive Name
Mr. Veerabhadran/Mr.Jegadesan
Business Summary
J. V. P. Equipments was incepted in 2005 as a manufacture and export company providing a wide range of building and construction machines to its clients. Our gamut of products has enabled us to mark a distinct place for ourselves in the domestic as well as international arena. ll our products are manufactured by using a combination of quality materials and innovative technology. Used in various construction applications, our products receive appreciation for its durability, high performance output and long service life. We can offer the products in specific configurations, according to the definite needs of our clients. We possess a vast pool of knowledge in the form of a diligent workforce. It includes various personnel who work together to achieve common goal of achieving client satisfaction. Our clients are based in Asia as well as in Africa.
Product Summary
Concrete Block Making Machines, Paver Block Making Machines, Manual Concrete Block Making Machines, Brick Making Machines,
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