Contact Details
A-204, Arjun Centre, B.S. Devshi Marg,Our fabrication shop accredited by BVQI for quality standard ISO 9002 & also approved by Chief Controller of Explosives, (CCOE) Govt. of India. Procurement division of our group undertakes the supply of various engineering goods, pipes & pipe fittings confirming to various codes & standards, electropolished stainless steel pipes, dairy fittings to various standards such as DIN, SMS, IDF & TRI-CLOVER for sanitary application.
We undertake turnkey supply of DM water, clean steam & DI water system, for injectable manufacturing plants, food processing Plants & beverages plants. Detail engineering, procurement of capital equipment & inspection / supervision during plant construction is also provided by our engineering consultancy division. Turnkey supply of fire fighting systems in general confirming to latest TAC norms. We have the requisite infrastructure for design, supply & commissioning of various systems such as hydrant, spray, sprinkler, foam & fire alarm etc.