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Tinytech Plants
Contact Details
Tagore Road Rajkot-360002 Gujarat
Primary Industry
Vibrating Equipment
Executive Name
Product Summary
Tinytech Plants is a tiny humble company trying to develop small simple decentralized cheap rural benign technologies for creating self reliant and happy villages and communities by income and self employment generation and to get rid of corporate centralized production in basic needs of the people. Our thrust is to abolish exploitation of common masses not only in poor countries but also in highly developed world. So we are developing tiny home scale and village scale industries and tiny power plants to make people autonomous and independent from the clutches of centralized industrial structure and huge transport system wasting the enormous resources. We imbibe inspirations from Mahatma Gandhi?s thinking of self help societies and villages by producing primary requirements of the people by processing agricultural produces locally and also producing required power and electricity locally through renewable energy. We humbly feel to contribute to world peace by creating self sustained societies not participating in the madness of depleting the planet resources by corporate world.We beleive that giant centralized technology is the technology for death, for mass murder, mass exploitation, for war etc. We humbly claim that we produce technology for life, technology for mass hapiness and world peace without exploitating anybody. Our technology promotes real freedom of common masses.
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