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Bathroom - Design Tips

Bathroom - Design
As One Of the most regularly used rooms, the bathroom should be both funetional and pleasant It's appearance is often an indication of your own personal lifestyle. So, while you're designing your bathroom, consider what you like and don't like having around you in your moments of peace. Other basic important factors are ventilation, air circulations, drainage system and natural light. Another challenge is figuring out how to achieve the style you want and build in all the features within the limits of what is probably the smallest room in the house.
Basins: Pedestal, Venity, wall hung, cloakroom or en-suite...there are many different types and sizes of bathroom sinks to choose from. Go with what you feel comfortable using, not what's in and high-fad right now. if you already have a common family basin, look for something smaller and more compact like a corner sink for your bathroom. Finally, before you set your heart on a perticular design, think about the size of the room, who is going to use it, how often it is going to be used and of course its function - is it just to wash hands or is it for the entire family's ablutions? Do you want to disguise all the plumbing, incorporate some handly storage space underneath or are you looking for something that simply looks good?
Organizing Tight Spaces: Remember, the smaller your room, the more important it is to keep clutter under control. The key is to select bathroom furniture and accessories that will optimize the space you have. Measure your bathroom carefully so you know exactly how much space there is, then go ahead and select space-saving storage solution.
Wall space is best used when the room is small. Wall-mounted glass shelving, towel in compact spaces. Capitalize unused vertical space with over-the-toilet or tall floor cabinets. Transform an empty corner into a convenient storage nook with unobtrusive corner cabinets. Add a tilt-out hamper to add much-needed flat surface space.
Quick Fixers: Pick up items that are of the same size and shape, especially if you wish to replace the existing dated suite with something new without really touching the layout Create space savers with discrete storage solutions - behind mirrors and glass shelving in corners a certain amount of natural light is important. Enough Ventilation gives the bathroom a relaxing and comfort able environment for its users.
Material Options: Over and above the obvious choices like stone and ceramic tiles, there are mosaics, treated water-proof wood, metal grates, anti-skid tiles, Flamed and treated stones (both Indian and Italian). Besides regular natural stone, agglomerated stone (man made) and Corian slabs (which can be molded to any design and profile) can change the entire look of the bathroom. And, like the range itself, the prices also vary highly, Cost oscillates betweens between Rs. 15 and Rs. 2,000 per sq.ft..
Same applies for your fittings. We can't seem to stress enough here that the choice is almost limitless, so look around carefully and juggle your budget a bit if you must before you finally buy what is best for you. One last word of advice here cheaper is not always better. paying up a little more than what you possibly budgeted for will go a long way in ensuring quality for your bathroom.
Planning around the Shower: For persons having difficulty getting in and out of the bath, especially the elderly, a shower is the ideal choice. You will then need to ensure that the floor is safe and slip free. Allow space for standing or sitting, and ease of access. As a shower uses both cold and hot water, which flow directly into the showerhead, you have the option of buying either a manual mixture or an automatic one, so whether it's an electric shower, along with shower rays and shower pumps, the options are aplenty.
Strategically placed mirrors are an essential element in a well designed bathroom. Aside from their obvious function, mirrors can make a room brighter by reflecting existing light, and create the illusion of space. Multiple decorative mirrors placed on opposite walls create an intriguing illusion of depth. Experiment with the placement.
You can also add plenty of warn, diffused light to make a small room seem larger and more inviting. Recessed lighting that come in sleek, vanity light fixtures and small hanging ceiling light are all excellent options for mood lighting in bathroom. Try to incorporate multiple light sources in different locations around the room to banish dark corners and create a gentle, flattering all-round glow.
Add a Dash Of Drama : While too many bathroom accessories or large pieces of furniture can engulf a small room, don't shy away from a little drama with a single bold focal point. A distinctive hanging chandelier, an elegant sink cabinet or a striking, outsized framed vanity mirror can add the perfect dash of unexpected glamour to complete your bathroom decor.
Choose neutral colors for walls and flooring if you like to update your linen color scheme regularly (i.e. coordinated towels, bath mats, accessories etc.) Avoid using dark colors in small bathroom areas. Consider adaptations for the disabled grab rails will make bathrooms safer for the disabled wishing to stay in the comfort of their own home.
If you don't really want to deal with the added dimensions of storage and vanity units, create negative space. Niches in wall fixed with glass shelves and spot lit work wonderfully in place of cabinets that jut out. If the bathroom is large enough, create a feature wall with dramatic wall with dramatic tiling and fixtures.
You Will need adequate ventilation in your bathroom. Particularly if it has no window, to help prevent mildew and dampness from taking hold. Fit an extractor to the outside wall if you can to pull out odours. Otherwise consider the option of ceiling ducting fitted with an exhaust system.
A major problem with many small bathrooms and washrooms is that the ceiling is either too high or too low, not in proportion to the walls. This can leave you feeling boxed in. With correct lighting and clever designing (false ceilings), it can alter the feel of the room, making it more inviting.
Looking for a makeover? You may not really need to go in for an overhaul. Your suite may be just fine, what you need could be spanking new fittings to give it a whole new spark.
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