Goel Brothers is a globally renowned name for making the best quality of Copper Bath Tubs, Kitchen Sinks, Farm House Sinks and Bowls as well as Brass Hardwares. This contribution is for the people who enjoy bathing as pleasure and love to be ever fresh with a good life style. We believe in commitmen...
Trishulin Overseas give your house a shape, a design, we make it a home. A home is a dream for all and we give your dreams feathers to fly with. Trishulin Overseas is a name to be counted on when it comes to home furnishing materials. We have earned a reputed name in no apparent time due to our poli...
To Know more about the events about Air Conditioners, Basements, Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Cabinets, Decorating, Design Plans, Doors, Electrical Lightings, Flooring, Home Security, Kitchen, Landscape, Painting, Plumbing, Fixtures and many more..
Curtain, in interior design, decorative fabric commonly hung to regulate the admission of light at windows and to prevent drafts from door or window openings. Curtains, usually of a heavy material, arranged to fall straight in ornamental folds are also called draperies. Portieres are heavy curtains hung in a doorway.
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