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LOCTITE General Purpose GP, 295ml (Single Pack), Caulking Silicone Adhesive Sealant Cartridge for Indoor and Outdoor Use (Transparent)
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Home»Adhesives And Sealants»LOCTITE General Purpose GP, 295ml (Single Pack), Caulking Silicone Adhesive Sealant Cartridge for Indoor and Outdoor Use (Transparent)
Loctite General Purpose is a ready-to-use silicone sealant for General Purpose sealing and glazing applications (indoor and outdoor). It is an acetoxy silicone sealant suitable for sanitary, kitchen & construction sealing applications. It is suitable for general purpose sealing & adheres to glass, vitrified surfaces, ceramic tiles & most coatings, it cures at room temperature and in the presence of air moisture to form a flexible and resistant joint
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