Product Description :
Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls are round pellet structure produced by firing natural clay at temperature of 1200?C. The result is a hard, honeycombed structure of interconnecting voids within the aggregate. The particles formed are roundish in shape and generally range in size from 0-30mm; these are processed to the required grading, depending on the final use. ECA is an extremely lightweight, strong and thermally insulating material. Saves Agriculture Soil By Using Waste Fly Ash & Mining Clay. Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls Provides good oxygen levels around the root, suitable for flood and drain systems, multi-pot and drip feed systems. Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls has strong structural integrity ensures that they are less likely to break and compact, which helps to prevent dripper systems from getting blocked.8-16 mm pebble size range. Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls makes plants in pots look attractive. Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls has long life, high durability & can be reused. Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls absorbs water and food and gives each plant exactly what it needs. Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls is lightweight, making handling of pots easier. It doesn't crack or disintegrate providing plenty of space for air near roots. APPLICATIONS. Gardening : Landscaping, Green Roofs, Flower beds, Flower Pots. Agriculture : Agriculture, Horticultures, Hydroponics and Aquaponics. Construction : Block, Wall panel, RCC, PCC, Insulation, Plastering, Flooring, Back fill.. Geotechnical : Road, Railway, Fill For Airport Runway, Drainage, Port, Underground Conduits & Pipelines, Water Filtration, Fill Behind Retaining Walls, Fill on Elevated Structures. Aesthetics : Good for decoration also
Product Details :
- Manufacturer : O2H2O LLP
- Country of Origin : India
- Item model number : LECA 15-30 mm 400 gms po 2
- Product Dimensions : 11 x 7 x 7 cm
- ASIN : B09M73L2RV
Product Features :
- APPLICATIONS. Gardening : Landscaping, Green Roofs, Flower beds, Flower Pots. Agriculture : Agriculture, Horticultures, Hydroponics and Aquaponics. Construction : Block, Wall panel, RCC, PCC, Insulation, Plastering, Flooring, Back fill.. Geotechnical : Road, Railway, Fill For Airport Runway, Drainage, Port, Underground Conduits & Pipelines, Water Filtration, Fill Behind Retaining Walls, Fill on Elevated Structures. Aesthetics : Good for decoration also
- Decomposability : Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls has strong chemical resistance against acidic and alkaline substance, which helps to maintain the pH value of 7-9. Compressive : Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls has very high compressive strength
- Sound Insulation : Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls has been proved to one of the best sound insulator. An ECA block of width 20cm has capacity of insulating sound up to 45db to 46db respectively. Environmentally Friendly : Naturally Green Expanded Clay Aggregate / Clay Balls generates no pollutants or hazardous wastes.