NASA Soundproof Padding Foam Panels, Acoustic Foam Panel Wedge Studio Soundproofing Wall Tiles 2" X 12" X 12" Extra Thick. Absorption Panel High Density Beveled Edge. (Pack of 18)
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NASA Soundproof Padding Foam Panels, Acoustic Foam Panel Wedge Studio Soundproofing Wall Tiles 2" X 12" X 12" Extra Thick. Absorption Panel High Density Beveled Edge. (Pack of 18)
from IndianConstructionIndustry.Com in Association with Amazon India
Home»Acoustic & Thermal Insulation»NASA Soundproof Padding Foam Panels, Acoustic Foam Panel Wedge Studio Soundproofing Wall Tiles 2" X 12" X 12" Extra Thick. Absorption Panel High Density Beveled Edge. (Pack of 18)
Features and Quality -High-density materials improve sound quality more effectively -Composed of 100% polyester fiber, odorless and tasteless -2 inches thick sound proof foam panels makes your purchase worthwhile. -Comes in wacky colors like black, red, and blue to add a personal touch. -Crafted from fire-retardant material is safe to use in small and medium-sized rooms. About KS Studio Jinyin offers high quality acoustic foams and panels that provide excellent noise absorption in the mid-to-high frequency noise range. You can use our acoustic foams to line machine or equipment surfaces, guards, enclosures, walls, and doors to absorb noise from industrial operations. Our acoustic foams can have flat or convoluted surfaces, whichever you prefer. Our foam is easy to cut to any size you need. It can also be fastened to nearly any wall, ceiling, or surface.
Product Details :
Item model number : Black Nasa
Size : Pack of 18
Manufacturer : KS Global India Pvt Ltd
Country of Origin : India
Product Features :
Flame Retardant : The sound-absorbing foam panel was made with flame-retardant, non-toxic materials, ensuring a high-quality studio while also ensuring safety.
Pyramid Shape : These 2" thick acoustic foams are designed in pyramid to provide increased surface area for sound absorption. You can also use scissors to cut them or various colors to create unique patterns.
Affordable Solution : Low-cost noise solution create an excellent listening or recording environment by absorbing troublesome noise, reducing fluctuations, reverberation, and vibrating echo.
Make Higher Quality Audio and Video Recording - Improving your audio quality instantly by reducing background noise and echo while recording your voice overs, music, interviews, podcasts, or YouTube and Tiktok videos.
Great for spot treating sound on walls in your studio or office - For use in recording studios, control rooms, Offices home studios, home entertainment theaters, Home Offices.
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