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WE Hydroponics Clay Balls LECA/Hydrotons/Clay Rock - 4 Liter Bag (appx 1 kg) for Soilless Farming, Floating Pebbles
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Home»Aggregates»WE Hydroponics Clay Balls LECA/Hydrotons/Clay Rock - 4 Liter Bag (appx 1 kg) for Soilless Farming, Floating Pebbles
Lightweight Expanded clay aggregates (LECA) are porous ceramic products with a uniform pore structure of fine, closed cells and with a densely sintered, firm external skin. It is manufactured in rotary kilns from raw materials containing clay minerals. The raw material is prepared, moulded and then subjected to a firing process at temperatures of between 1100 and 1200 ?C, resulting in a significant increase in volume due to expansion. The LECA grains internal cellular structure with thousands of air-filled cavities helps plant roots to develop faster and strong.
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