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YGM Acoustic Foams (6x3 Sheet - Single) Egg Crate Tray Soundproofing Studio Acoustic Foam - 1.5 Inches
from IndianConstructionIndustry.Com in Association with Amazon India
Product Dimensions : 180 x 90 x 1.5 cm; 1.5 Kilograms
Item model number : ET1.56x3
Item Weight : 1 kg 500 g
Manufacturer : YGM Acoustic Foams
Country of Origin : India
Product Features :
YGM Acoustic Eggcrate Tray Foam panels are best for echo reduction, sound diffusion and sound absorption. More the surface area, better is acoustic. It Covers 18sqft.
6'x3' of 1.5" thick acoustical foam and are a great solution for spot treating sound studios, home listening rooms, iso booths and more.
Great for spot treating sound on walls. - For use in recording studios, control rooms, offices, home studios, home entertainment theaters, classrooms, youtube video recordings, voice over studios, machine canopies , Hotels, Basements, Machine Room, Practice Rooms, Schools etc
YGM Acoustic Egg Tray are a great solution for small flutter echo problem areas and, when spread apart, yield beneficial sound diffusion off their exposed edges.
Made using high density Acoustic Polyurethane. NRC > 1.00, STC > 33 DB. NRC is Noise Reduction coefficient means it will absorb 100% sound it encounters.
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