Havells Ventil Air DX 200mm Exhaust Fan| Cut Out Size: 9.4x9.4 square inches| Watt: 32| RPM: 1350| Air Delivery: 520| Suitable for Kitchen, Bathroom, and Office| Warranty: 2 Years (White)
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Havells Ventil Air DX 200mm Exhaust Fan| Cut Out Size: 9.4x9.4 square inches| Watt: 32| RPM: 1350| Air Delivery: 520| Suitable for Kitchen, Bathroom, and Office| Warranty: 2 Years (White)
from IndianConstructionIndustry.Com in Association with Amazon India
Home»Doors And Windows»UPVC Doors»Havells Ventil Air DX 200mm Exhaust Fan| Cut Out Size: 9.4x9.4 square inches| Watt: 32| RPM: 1350| Air Delivery: 520| Suitable for Kitchen, Bathroom, and Office| Warranty: 2 Years (White)
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