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RAJSHRI Designer Door Brown PVC Door, for Home, Interior and Bathroom (6 2)
from IndianConstructionIndustry.Com in Association with Amazon India
We provide a complete range of solid PVC panel doors, which are of design, comprehensive workmanship and highly durable. These are built out of well seasoned and chemically treated solid wood timber, where both the faces are coated and polished with different color shades. These solid panel doors, the same standards followed in the international market. These doors can be giving a rich natural look to your home entrance. There is also a choice of color/polish or smooth door surfaces, which can make a room, look unique. Because of different designs, textures and excellent finishes,
Product Features :
PVC durable, long lasting, termite and pest resistant
type of exercise equipment used for developing strength.
Ergonomic design for better grip - Symmetric structure for better weight balance.
To Know more about the events about Air Conditioners, Basements, Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Cabinets, Decorating, Design Plans, Doors, Electrical Lightings, Flooring, Home Security, Kitchen, Landscape, Painting, Plumbing, Fixtures and many more..