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amiciCare Gap Sealing Tape Self-Adhesive Foam Tape for Doors Windows Dust and Noise Insulation 3mm Thick 20m Long
from IndianConstructionIndustry.Com in Association with Amazon India
Home»Doors And Windows»UPVC Doors»amiciCare Gap Sealing Tape Self-Adhesive Foam Tape for Doors Windows Dust and Noise Insulation 3mm Thick 20m Long
Gap Sealing: - amiciCare presents a tool that will help you fill gaps between windows and doors, hence forbidding entry of foreign objects and dust.
Application: - Weather-proof, dust-proof, shock absorbing, anti-vibration, anti-sliding, noise reduction, heat-insulation rubber tape that can be applied to fill gaps and to cover the sharp edges. Use it on doors, windows, and furniture.
Installation: - Just cut the desire size and apply. Strong self-adhesive make the application process easy.
Size: - 20m long tape which is 3mm thick and 15mm wide.
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