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Buildingshop X Wacker WN Silicon Sealant Waterproof (10.1 oz Tube) Windows, Aquarium, Tiles, Kitchen Also For Bonding Gel Gun (Wacker WN, Black) - Product Features
  • HEAVY-DUTY SEALANT - The Wacker Silicon Sealant / Silicon Glue is perfect for repairing leaks, gaps, seams and cracks in outdoor surfaces such as plastic, wood, metal, marble and concrete. This sealant also bonds silicon, glass and other rigid materials.
  • SALT-WATER RESISTANCE - This Silicone Sealant Gun is ideal for sealing around windows in showers, bathtubs, sinks and aquariums, as well as sealing gaps between tiles and grout.
  • MADE IN KOREA - This Wacker adhesive is specially formulated to be strong and flexible, giving you long-lasting effectiveness. Wacker Marine Adhesive bonds well to a wide variety of surfaces, including wood, glass, metal, and plastic Which Are Ideal For Silicon Sealant Waterproof.
  • FORMULATION: Nit is formulated in a neutral pH and is odorless, so it won't interfere with the finish of the surface. It is ideal in high humidity areas.
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