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Aluminium Roofing Sheets

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Aluminium Roofing Sheets By HIPPO

HIPPO - HDPE Fabric 85% Sun Blockage Rectangle Shade Sails With Polyester Band Reinforced Complete Protection From Sun & UV Rays Suitable For Car Parking, Outdoor, Garden, Patio Brown Color (9.5FTX20FT) Pack of 1 Pc - Product Features
  • HIPPO Shade Sail: HIPPO Shade Sail is a perfect solution to protect yourself, your family, and belongings from the extreme heat and harmful UV rays during the summer season. It is designed to provide complete protection from the sun and rain, making it an ideal choice for outdoor spaces.
  • High Quality Fabric: HIPPO Shade Sail is made of high-quality 150 GSM HDPE fabric with UV inhibitors that make it capable of withstanding extreme summer temperatures and various weather conditions. The UV inhibitors prevent the fabric from degrading and discoloration due to UV rays. Additionally, the fabric is dimensionally stable, meaning it won't collapse its shape even if exposed to sun or rain all day.
  • Design: HIPPO Shade Sail is designed to prevent drooping with its curved structure, ensuring maximum tension to reduce fluttering in the wind. The shade sail comes with SS316 triangle buckles on the corners, and each corner has 2mtr nylon rope provided for easy installation. The curved structure ensures that the shade sail is installed at high tension, preventing it from drooping.
  • How to Measure: Measuring for a shade sail is crucial to ensure a perfect fit. Always keep a 1 to 2 feet distance between the pole and the shade sail, ensuring that the shade sails are installed with high tension, reducing fluttering in the wind.
  • How to Install: HIPPO Shade Sail is easy to install, with simple instructions and hardware included. It is best to install the shade sail in a slope of 15 to 30 degrees, depending on the size, to allow water to drain easily. A proper installation will ensure maximum longevity of the shade sail.
HIPPO - HDPE Fabric 85% Sun Blockage Triangle Shade Sail Complete Protection from Sun & UV Rays Suitable for Car Parking, Outdoor, Garden, Patio Brown Color (10FTX10FTX10FT) Pack of 1 Pc - Product Features
  • HIPPO Shade Sail: HIPPO Shade Sail is a perfect solution to protect yourself, your family, and belongings from the extreme heat and harmful UV rays during the summer season. It is designed to provide complete protection from the sun and rain, making it an ideal choice for outdoor spaces.
  • High Quality Fabric: HIPPO Shade Sail is made of high-quality 150 GSM HDPE fabric with UV inhibitors that make it capable of withstanding extreme summer temperatures and various weather conditions. The UV inhibitors prevent the fabric from degrading and discoloration due to UV rays. Additionally, the fabric is dimensionally stable, meaning it won't collapse its shape even if exposed to sun or rain all day.
  • Design: HIPPO Shade Sail is designed to prevent drooping with its curved structure, ensuring maximum tension to reduce fluttering in the wind. The shade sail comes with SS316 triangle buckles on the corners, and each corner has 2mtr nylon rope provided for easy installation. The curved structure ensures that the shade sail is installed at high tension, preventing it from drooping.
  • How to Measure: Measuring for a shade sail is crucial to ensure a perfect fit. Always keep a 1 to 2 feet distance between the pole and the shade sail, ensuring that the shade sails are installed with high tension, reducing fluttering in the wind.
  • How to Install: HIPPO Shade Sail is easy to install, with simple instructions and hardware included. It is best to install the shade sail in a slope of 15 to 30 degrees, depending on the size, to allow water to drain easily. A proper installation will ensure maximum longevity of the shade sail.
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