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Andrew D. Chiasson


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Pumps By Andrew D. Chiasson

Geothermal Heat Pump and Heat Engine Systems: Theory And Practice (Wiley-ASME Press Series) - Product Features
  • A unique approach to the study of geothermal energy systems This book takes a unique, holistic approach to the interdisciplinary study of geothermal energy systems, combining low, medium, and high temperature applications into a logical order. The emphasis is on the concept that all geothermal projects contain common elements of a "thermal energy reservoir" that must be properly designed and managed. The book is organized into four sections that examine geothermal systems: energy utilization from resource and site characterization; energy harnessing; energy conversion (heat pumps, direct uses, and heat engines); and energy distribution and uses. Examples are provided to highlight fundamental concepts, in addition to more complex system design and simulation. Key features: Companion website containing software tools for application of fundamental principles and solutions to real-world problems. Balance of theory, fundamental principles, and practical application. Interdisciplinary treatment of the subject matter. Geothermal Heat Pump & Heat Engine Systems: Theory and Practice is a unique textbook for Energy Engineering and Mechanical Engineering students as well as practicing engineers who are involved with low-enthalpy geothermal energy systems.
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