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V A Coveney

Rubber Components

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Rubber Components By V A Coveney

Elastomers and Components: Service Life Prediction - Progress and Challenges - Product Features
  • Elastomeric components are widely used in engineering. Increasing demands are placed on them to withstand hostile conditions such as high temperature and corrosive environments. These demands make it harder to predict likely service life or improve design to ensure their longer-term performance. This important book reviews the wealth of research on understanding fatigue and failure in elastomers, and how this understanding can be used to predict and extend their service life.
  • The first part of the book reviews factors determining ageing behaviour such as heat, corrosive environments, wear and cracking. It also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of current service prediction models. The second part of the book focuses on analysing and improving the design and service life of particular applications such as O-rings, bearings, springs and valves.
  • With its distinguished editor and team of contributors, Elastomers and components: service life prediction; progress and challenges is an invaluable reference for engineers involved in the design and use of elastomers.
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