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Splicing Systems By iKanzi

Cleaning Kit for Laptop,PC TV Screen Microfiber Cleaning Cloth Swabs & Case for Electronic Devices, Camera Lens Cleaning, with Storage Box (12Pcs) - Product Features
  • 1. CameraCase + Detergent lens clBrush + 1 Air Camera Blower + 1 KeyboaMiCleaningwipes + 30 sheets lens cleaning tissue paper
  • 2. Easy for Lens Cleaning: After gently clean with air blower and cleaning brush to remove dust, please use air blower to blow off floc and dust again. For the oils on lenses contamination, such as fingerprints, you can use the cotton swabwipe it gently with a cleaning cloth.
  • 3. What is Used For: It's professional cleaner tools for the home electronic devices. Used for removing the dust of SLR camera sensor, camera lens, screen, the surface and gaps of the fuselage. Safe for all electronics and sensors.
  • 4. What's the advantage: Uses the power of nature to clean without leaving streaks or blemishes. Absorbs and sweeps away invisible particles and smudges. Environmentally friendly and efficient.
  • 5. Useful Cleaning Kit: Small sizebag cakit and other accessories, like camera lens cleaner, lens blower, etc. And also convenient to bring them with you. Independent packaging to effectively prevent secondary pollution.
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